Illustration of an outdoor scene with houses and people


Doris Sisk is an Independent Social Worker (ISW) with over 30 years experience assessing children and families in the public, private and health care sectors and in both the United States and the United Kingdom.

She holds a Master’s Degree in Social Work from the George Warren Brown School of Social Work at Washington University in St. Louis (USA) awarded in 1987.

She has published in the fields of domestic violence and the effects on children, child abuse in the form of fabricated or induced illness (FII), on postnatal depression as well as hospice care for children.

Ms Sisk has been an ISW since 2012 and has prepared numerous court reports in that time.

Ms Sisk offers bespoke assessments of parenting when instructed by the Court or by the Local Authority.

In addition to her above qualifications, Ms Sisk:

  • has experience working in domestic violence and the impact on children. She was a trainer on this subject in the United States and developed a tool still used in paediatric settings to assess the presence of domestic violence in the home;
  • is a facilitator of the Freedom Programme;
  • has experience in postnatal depression and the impact on the development of babies;
  • understands issues around learning disabilities;
  • has the ability to build rapport with young parents as well as parents that some might consider difficult to engage;
  • understands and has experience working with issues of substance misuse;
  • has experience working with mental health difficulties both in parents as well as children;
  • has extensive experience working in health care and the impact of various health conditions on families;
  • works in partnership with all professionals;
  • and is known for completing assessments within the required timeframe.
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Curriculum Vitae

For a full overview of Doris's experience and qualifications, download a copy of her CV.

Download CV


Sisk Social Work Consulting,
Independent Social Work Services.

Doris Sisk, Director
Conducting bespoke Parenting Assessments, Kinship Assessments, and Special Guardianship Assessments.
